with C.B. Milham: "A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for Uniqueness of Optimal Strategies in a 2-Person, 0-Sum Matrix Game," Yokohama Mathematics Journal, v. 16 #1 (1968), pp 1-3
"Smart Soap Bubbles Can Do Calculus," The Mathematics Teacher, v 72 #5 (May 1979), pp 377-385
"MONTE CARLO: The Use of Random Digits to Simulate Experiments," A module for classroom use in finite math/statistics/computer science. Educational Development Corp./Undergraduate Mathematics and Applications Project (UMAP) module 69 Appeared in the UMAP Unit Sampler , v. 2 #2 (Dec. 1979), pp 30-48 Appeared in the UMAP Journal , v. 1 #2 (Summer 1980), pp 61-85
"A Model for Strategic Voting," SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics v. 42, #4 (Aug. 1982), pp 751-761
"Relative Efficiency of Voting Systems," SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, v. 43 (1983), pp 1213-1219
book review of Approval Voting by Steven J. Brams and Peter C. Fishburn, SIAM Review, v. 27 #2 (June 1985), pp 276-278
"A Cycloid Race," The Physics Teacher, v 29 #6 (Sept. 1991), pp 395-397
Contemporary Calculus I, II, III, IV, (2011) open source calculus textbook available at Lulu.com, Createspace.com and Amazon
Business Calculus by Shana Calaway, Dale Hoffman, David Lippman (2013) open source textbook available at opentextbookstore.com
Applied Calculus by Shana Calaway, Dale Hoffman, David Lippman (2014) open source textbook available at opentextbookstore.com
Commercial Software
"The Calculus Toolkit" with Finney/Schwartz/Wilde, Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., Reading, MA, 1984. A 300-page book and collection of 27 programs for illustrating and exploring the concepts and computations of calculus.
"Solving Algebra Word Problems," Brooks-Cole Publishing Co., Montery, CA, 1987 A manual and software to practie translating and solving algebra word problems.
"Solving Equations and Finding Roots." Queue, Inc., Fairfield, CT, 1988